We grabbed an audio tour when we arrived at the Ellis Island museum. The whole thing was really very interesting. It's kind of hard to imagine what it was immigration was way back when. We walked through the main hall where 80 years ago thousands of immigrants from Italy, Ireland, Britain, Russia etc would have stood waiting to see if the 6 month journey on a very cramped and horrible ferry ride was worth it, or if they had to turn around and go back home. We stayed at the museum for around 2, 2 and a half hours and I have to say, as someone who enjoys history, I really found the whole thing very interesting.
A real Oscar! (Bob Hope's Oscar)
After getting back on to the mainland we had some lunch/breakfast in a little Diner a couple of blocks away from Grand Central Station. As we made our way back to the hotel we went to see B.B King's bar on Times Square.
We also passed the Men In Black headquarters. (Well, maybe. It looks like the building from the film though! I love MIB!)
We were nearly back at the hotel when we saw a few people standing outside a building shouting "Emma!" Obviously I was confused! However when I looked at the signs on the barrier I realised that they were standing outside Late Show With David Letterman. After asking around we found out that Emma Stone, from the new Spider Man, was in there. If we had time and it was not raining we might have stayed to see her come out of the building, but we had a flight to catch and we were soaking wet so we went and had a lovely piece of New York Cheesecake at Lindys! (However, If Rhys Ifans was in there I would have stayed and missed out the cheesecake!)
At half past 5 the bus took us to the airport and after hanging around talking to a few people in the departure area we got on the plane back home! It was an awesome trip! Tiring, yes! But AWESOME!
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