


Well hello there. The last week has been, well not strange, I don't know what the word is but . . . well I don't know! There have been many positives - I've (and I think everyone else in the block) become much more comfortable with everyone and I now feel that I can, whatever time of day or night it is, knock on someones door and I'll be welcomed. The other night we all went in to one of the rooms and sat there for nearly 3 hours watching loads of clips from Disney films and awesome 90's TV. We also saw the advert for the new Monsters inc. that's coming out soon, I think it's called Monsters University. It looks AWESOME! Along with feeling like I've got good friends here I've also started to get used to the university system. I don't feel so overwhelmed when I step in to a lecture theatre and I feel that I understand what the lecturer is talking about, which is always a good thing! I am also, slowly but surely, getting to understand and feel comfortable in smaller groups such as in tutorials and in seminars. Although I did have a slight panic attack when I discovered that I had missed my first seminar but there was a good explanation behind this and a number of other people did the same (they changes the time and place and sent an e-mail that morning, so when I came back from my lecture and checked my e-mails I saw that I had already missed it!). 

Another thing is getting used to the library and how that system works! On top of that my laptop is playing up and I no longer have word so I have to do all of my typing and presentations on my ipad or on the computers in the library! Arghhhh! The parents are bringing up discs to fix the laptop next weekend so all will be fine! 

The not so positive things about this week so far is the fact that I have come to realise that I need (or maybe, have to) give up competitive sport for at least a term. This is because of the sciatica I have in my leg. I have joined rowing, and I really enjoy it, but because of my injury it's just not possible nor does it make any sense to carry on for the time being. Hopefully after Christmas or so I'll be able to start doing sport again. However, every cloud has a silver lining and all that, since I'm not able to participate in competitive sport it kind of seems that a weight  has been lifted off my shoulders and now I'm able to do and participate in things that I have an interest in that I didn't have time for before as I was always doing sport. Things like joining the Media society and doing some filming/production/editing/writing for the newspaper etc. I'll still be going to the gym sometimes and going for walks and cycles but just for fun and relaxation this time. 

Last night we went out to an event at the Students union. Here are some pictures for you! And I've included some random photos from the past couple of days and pics of the university! 

I also received this note from the cleaner - Proud (: 

Some of books finally came through the post - yaaaay! 


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