

My love for the cinema

It is no big secret by now that I am quite the introvert. I do not jump for joy when someone asks me to go out to the SU nor can I crack a smile when invited to pre-drinks at someone's house. It's not that I am a recluse and it's not that I am anti-social. I genuinely feel uncomfortable and anxious in situations where there are lots of (drunk) people and where there is immense pressure to drink. Don't get me wrong, I like to go and have a drink in the pub with friends where I can chat to them and have a nice catch up, I just hate situations where people expect you to drink and get drunk even though you really don't want to. That is not my idea of the perfect evening.

What I do like to do though is to go meet people for coffee, go over to people's houses and chat and one of my favourites is trips with friends to the cinema. Since the start of term (a week and a half ago) I have been to the cinema four times. I have seen the story of Steven Hawkins' life in the amazing The Theory of Everything; I watched a little boy grow into a man in the stunning Boyhood; Watched in awe as Cheryl Strayed walked a thousand miles across California and almost cried during Vera Brittain's harrowing war memoirs in The Testament of Youth. 

There are very few things I find as enjoyable and peaceful in life than walking into a theatre, making myself comfortable and investing myself in someone else's story for two hours. Two hours where no one can bother you. Two hours where its just you and the screen. Two hours where there is nothing else for you to do but to sit and watch.

I usually go to the cinema with my reliable cinema buddy, housemate and all round friend Hollie but on Saturday while all of my friends were at home or busy I decided that I'd go on my own. After a morning of reading and exercising I hopped on the bus, did a little bit of window-shopping in town, bought snacks from M&S and headed to the cinema to watch Boyhood. I'll tell you what, I felt awesome. I felt like an actual adult. I felt so comfortable in what I was doing and I did not for one second wish that someone was with me to keep me company. I genuinely feel that it is a special thing to be happy in your own company and I am very thankful that at this moment in my life I really do quite like spending time with myself. Although, I do need human contact for at least a few hours a day or I think I would go stir crazy!

In a period in my life where uni work is crazy and dissertations need to be written, books need to be read and masters applications need to be completed, having those 2 hours a week (or more in my case) to switch off is something that helps me deal with all the craziness.

I love watching the adverts and planning what I want to see next with my friends that are sat next to me. I love the sweet smell of the popcorn and the wall of movie posters that I see when going up the escalator and I love having conversations about the film while waiting for the bus home. The whole experience makes me happy; much happier that being surrounded by drunk, sweaty students in a grotty club where I'd be wishing that I was somewhere else.

You don't have to be like everyone else. Everyone is different and we should embrace that. I prefer films over vodka whereas someone else would be the opposite and that is so totally fine. We shouldn't be judged in comparison to what others like. Live your life the way you want to and to crap with everyone else :)

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