


A week or so ago I headed to the hair dressers to put a purple toner through my hair. I had previously put a lilac toner through my locks and although I really loved the colour, after just one wash almost all of the colour had been washed out. Thus, I decided to go a dark purple in the hope that it would last longer - and it has!

For a long time I had been debating whether to dye my hair a different colour. Last year I played with the idea of dip dying my hair a pinky colour but alas  decided against it as a result of the fear of what people might think. However, whenever I roamed instagram and came across a purple haired cool girl I became incredibly and undeniably envious of her guts.

A few months ago I had an urge to cut my hair quite a bit and without thinking too much about it I just went for it with the mind frame of that it's only hair and it will grow back. With this in mind, after much toing and froing,  I decided that I was going to dye my hair purple - to hell with everyone! After all it is just hair and it will wash out. But the biggest thing that changed is my fear of stranger's opinions.

I still struggle quite a bit with what other people think of me but I am getting better. As someone said the other day, just because someone might think negative thoughts about you or the way you look does not mean that they are right. Although, I honestly think that I might be the only person who thinks these negative things about myself and I just convince myself that this is what others also think.

I guess my message is - if you want to do something or wear something then for goodness sake just do it. To hell with what people think. If you want to dye your hair the colours of the rainbow then do it (just check with school and parents first!).  Power to the people maaaaaaan!

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