


If you're a member of my immediate family then you know that I can sometimes be a little dramatic (but isn't everyone)! 

Example A: two or three weekends ago, ( I can't remember, weeks all mold into one these days) the morning after the Foo Fighters gig in Milton Keynes my mum and I woke up in a little Travelodge off the M4 ( we had booked it, it wasn't like a Hangover situation). Mum got up and made us coffees with the little kettle and the crap instant coffee they provide you with in hotels. I sat up, turned on Andrew Marr and sipped my coffee that my mum had brought to me in bed. 


When the molten liquid touched my lips my skin instantly began to burn. As a result, I pulled the cup away from my mouth with such vigour that coffee spilt over my top and the bed sheets. Without missing a beat I turned to my mum and began shouting "YOU SHOULD NEVER SERVE COFFEE THAT HOT TO ANYONE. EVER!!" Like she was some sort of servant or waitress whos job it was to make me coffee, rather than a mother who was willing to make me a drink. Halfway through my shouting I couldn't keep it together, i 100% recognised how pathetic and dramatic I sounded! For the next 10 minutes I laughed so much that tears ran down my face.

So yeah, basically I can, on occasions, be dramatic but at least I am fully aware that I'm being a drama queen. Consequently I also recognise when I am not being dramatic and actually reacting reasonably.

Therefore when I write that Mindy Kaling's new book 'Why Not Me' was all things awesome and that one page has genuinely changed my life, it is no exaggeration

Annoyingly many interviewers have become incredibly lazy and boring when interviewing Mindy Kaling by asking the same few questions over and over and over again. What's it like to be a 'curvy' actress? What's it like being an Indian across in Hollywood? Fine ask that question maybe once but don't continuously ask the same, increasingly pointless question over 10 years on from when Kaling first appeared on our screens in The Office US. She is more than her size and her ethnicity and also before I go any further, she isn't even big. She is normal. If she wasn't acting on our screens in the shadow of Hollywood then nobody would bat an eyelid at her size. So just stop already. 

What Kaling writes in her new book is simple yet effective. When discussing diets, weight etc she simply states that she has no time to continuously think about losing weight. Of course, she writes, that on occasions she feels self-conscious but she doesn't let it take over her life. She is a successful woman who has her own hit TV show, of course she has more important things to think about. I mean, in this day and age if you have ample time to think about dieting and spend your days thinking about how you look then you have too much time on your hands. You should read a book, write, work out etc instead of constantly filling your head with time-consuming worries. 

There is no denying that all of us at one point or another worry about how we look to others and how our clothes fit on our bodies but gosh, it does take up a lot of our time. 

I still work out around five times a week but that's because it makes me feel good and not (well. sometimes) because I feel that I need to. Live a healthy, balanced life and everything will fall into place. And if you miss a day of exercise, don't panic. It is not the end of the world, just do it tomorrow. Chill. 

When I read Kaling's page or two on this topic and how she is too busy writing, producing, editing (the list goes on) her own frickin' TV show to worry about something that really does not need to be worried about (unless it's effecting your health) I felt a freeing feeling. I too have a gazillion other, much more important things, I should be focusing on rather than obsessing over food and exercise. Think of what you could achieve if you placed all that thinking energy onto something else. I bet you could achieve awesome things. 

Mindy, thanks. 

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