


Over the last two weeks I have been getting up super early to get my day started with a great gym session. There is something about the gym or any exercise for that matter that I find incredibly relaxing - it relaxes my like nothing else can. I can spend 30 minutes on the rowing machine clocking up around 7000 meters without even realising as I just stare in to space. However, getting up before 7am in the winter means that it is still  dark when I leave the house and start my cycle down to the gym so sometimes its tough to get out of bed when you know that it's cold and, most probably, wet outside. Although last monday I was sat on the bike with the cold air bitting my fingers as I cycled towards the university when Kodaline's High Hopes came on and everything just turned awesome. This might sound extremely weird but I felt like I was in some sort of film, Rocky or something. I was like "yeah, this gym session is going to be great"! Sometimes little things such as a great song can change your whole attitude, not just your attitude for that specific day but on occasions your whole outlook on life. It might sound a bit dramatic but it is true that you can choose happiness and believe me I know that this is not easy but you can always try and that is what I'm working on this week, this month and this year - to choose happiness over everything else. Life is here to be lived so let's get cracking.

 Watching the sun rise on the way to the gym one morning 
 Good Morning Campus
Time to get my workout on

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