


I am currently in my second term of second year at University and it's not all fun and games - it is mostly work. The jump from first to second year is more like a mountain climb - it's the biggest change in terms of the level of work that I have ever experience and it has taken me a while to get in to the swing of things. I only have lectures 3 days a week but that does NOT mean that for the rest of the week I sleep until 11am and sit on the sofa watching This Morning, Jeremy Kyle and Big Bang Theory. My typical day consists of getting up just after 7am, go the library, possibly head to Starbucks for a little break, head back to the library until early evening and then gym. I have told myself that even if I have work to do by the next day, if I haven't finished it by 8pm then it's not going to happen (reading wise, not essay wise). I get very anxious if I leave things to the last minute so I tend to finish things a few weeks in advance just so I can live my life as relaxed as possible because stress isn't good. I think the point I'm trying to make is that worrying is crap and it does not help anyone in any situation - trust me. It is a lot harder to practice than it is to preach but seriously everyone should worry less and then the world would be a happier place. I think that is my main goal not only for this year but for life in general - worry less, go with the flow more and just relax. That does not mean that you relax to the point where you don't do anything, I mean that if you time manage correctly and set your mind on something 100% then you will take less time doing it, you'll feel better and you'll enjoy life more. So everyone - relax, exercise and love living life because we have all got to do things that we somedays do not want to do but since we have to do them we might as well find a way to make those things more enjoyable. Am I right?!

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