


Yes, it's christmas in the Thomas household. This year we had a very relaxed day without much fuss at all (just 5 of us and Hendrix). I woke up about an hour later this year than previous years (8am) had a shower and changed before anyone else had gotten out of bed. To continue with tradition I headed into Owen's room and we opened our stockings. In the stocking we get smaller gifts such as socks, mugs, puzzles and some jewellery. We then took our stockings into our parents' room and showed them what we got from Santa (yes, we are 21 and 18 years old)!

Once everyone was ready we had croissants and bucks fizz for breakfast. With only crumbs left on our plate we ventured in to the living room where Santa leaves the bigger presents. I received gifts including a Radley bag, Henry Holland jumper, Miss Dior perfume and a Great Gatsby poster. The best gift however, was the awesome Penny Skateboard that Santa brought. It's a blue 'Nickel' board with red wheels and white trucks. I have not gone a day without being on the board for at least two hours! Yesterday I went for my first proper outing on the penny (proper - meaning not going back and forth down the hall way!). It was a three mile ride and it was completely awesome. Living in West Wales it's very hard to find a place that is flat and even if flat it's hard to find a place that is properly concreted and not filled with potholes or chippings. So most of the journey was downhill which was scary, fun, scary & exhilarating all at the same time! I love this gift.

One of my other favourite gift was the Blog Inc. book I received which is written by Joy Deangdeelert Cho of Oh Joy! It's a must for any aspiring blogger or for an existing blogger who wants to know how to improve their blog both aesthetically and contextually. I haven't put it down since I opened it Christmas morning. Along with this book I opened many travel books which are just teasing me at the moment until I finish university in three years then they'll (hopefully) be my bible as I travel around the world :)

I hope you had a very merry christmas :)

p.s you might have noticed the new name and design of this blog. I thought it needed a change not only to celebrate almost a year of blogging but also to make it look cleaner and sharp. The name I changed so it'll be easier for people to find. I've lost count at how many times I've had to repeat my old blog name to people as they have no idea what I've just said and then I had to spell it out for them. Hopefully this new look & name will be easier for all of us (: Hope you like it! 

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