

W E E K E N D // Chillin' & Monsters University

My parents went to Cardiff for the weekend so Owen, Eve and myself were left to hold down the fort. Saturday I woke up early, wrote a blog post on my sports blog (here) and then headed out for a walk with Hendrix. It was incredibly warm on Saturday. I think it might have been the hottest day of the year so far and boy, it felt like it to! We even had to make two river stops on our walk just so Henz could have a little cool down and a drink! When we eventually came back home, Hendrix slumped in a cool corner of the house and I rushed in to the shower, got dressed and jumped in the car to make our way down to Carmarthen. We were off to watch Monsters University. Monsters inc. has to be my all time favourite Pixar/Disney film. I even have quite a sizable Sulley teddy sitting on my bed right as I type. The film was awesome and to see Mike as a little primary school child was worth the Cinema money alone! After the film we ran in to Tesco, grabbed a few things and made our way home. We finished the evening with some good ol' Fish & Chips for dinner.

Sunday morning we got up early and went for a swim. It was fitness lanes so it was a good way to wake myself up. I'm quite proud of the amount of lengths I did when considering everything that's been going on with the old back of mine. We were back home by just gone half 10 and I had my Sunday papers with me ready to have a good read. Before that however, I cleaned most of the house, blogged a bit, watched some of the Tour de France and skated. Since I was home with Hendrix for most of the day, I decided to spend it outside with him and with no cars on the drive I was free to Skateboard with minimal obstacles. Well . . . that was until Hendrix began to pick fights with my wheels and thus preventing me from boarding at all. I decided that the only thing to do was lie on my board and also sit on it and roll across the drive. Sounds odd but it was so much fun! When the parents came back they brought back some goodies from the capital. I received an awesome pair of glossy pink Doc. Martens and an even more awesome tie-dye Doc.Martens shirt :)

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