


I decided to make a new regular feature called 'Things I'm loving right now'. Basically it's just certain things that I've recently been enjoying such as inspirational photos, bands, fashion, film, TV, decor etc.

Extremely Loud Incredibly Close - I watched this film last night and it was so good. The film is so simple in it's plot and has only a small number of characters, but it is so powerful. You're able to experience the 9/11 disaster through a different perspective. No wonder it was up for Best Film at the Oscars 2012. Worth a watch.

Men In Black 1,2&3 - Due to the release of the new MIB I bought a box set which included the first 2 films from Tesco. I was quite young when the films came out so only remember snippets, such as a lone standing cow outside a farmhouse! I frickin' love MIB I really, really do! I don't know why but I find the whole MIB series to be in my top 5 favourite films!

TOMS - Toms are the comfiest shoes I have ever bought! It's like wearing slippers! I'll always be faithful to my beloved Converse, but these shoes are close to perfect. I say close because you can't really wear socks with them, and if you wear them as much as i do they start to smell a bit. You can always give them a wash so all is good! I've been looking for a new pair to take with me on holidays and these are perfect. The flowery pattern is so cool and because of their comfort they'll be perfect to stomp around New York!

Summer Garden Party - I love little garden parties like this. Vintage style fabrics around comfy cushions and fairy lights surrounding the area. Perfect for a hot summers' night!

Surfer Dude - I love this girls' hair. It's sooooo cool! The boards are also just so colourful and lush! Even though I can't really surf I'd love to have these in the house as nice decor!

Madness - These Mods performed on top of Buckingham Palace during the Jubilee concert. They even turned the palace in to a block of flats which is very cool. These guys will also be performing at V-festival in August which I've bought tickets for! (: Can not wait!

Guide Book - The Rough Guide to New York is very good. At the top of each attraction/place they give you the subway number you need. A very handy book that I'll certainly be carrying with me around the Big Apple!

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