

LOOK AT THAT // Reading Hype.

Over the last week I've been on a complete reading hype. In the last week I've read two books - Wild by Cheryl Strayed and Is It Just Me? by Miranda Hart. I think it's just because I just want to do anything other than revise to be honest. Also when I go to the gym, instead of taking my phone or listen to music, I take my books with me and just read. I have actually now ran out of books to read here in uni (didn't think I'd go on such a reading hype, evidently) I have now ordered two more books, one of which is Keith Richards' Autobiography which looks awesome. These pictures down here are just some that I took while doing my laundry at 8am on a Saturday morning! Yes 8am on a flippin Saturday. To be honest though, days just mold in to one here. I geniuinly don't know what day it is most of the time. I look really tired in the pictures - probably because I literally just rolled out of bed, changed and went to the laundry room (you can probably tell by the bed hair, although my hair looks like this all the time even if I've just washed it so . . .) By the end of this week I'll be free from exams - can I get a HELL YEAH! We do have lectures next week but it's like one a day so I can cope with that!
Once my exams are done I'll be blogging much more and I might also do some book reviews. :)

I know it's not a Sunday but I have just found one of my favourite songs ever and I just have to share it with everyone. It's by my recent obsession which is Rival Sons. The song is called Jordan and is just about perfect. Please have a listen. Oh, and how cool are they - I mean.

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