


Thursday the 3rd of May was Ruth's birthday. After a busy day driving around going to Lampeter, Physio then back to school, I headed to Frankie and Bennies in Carmarthen to celebrate Ruth's 18th. If you're going to F&B's for a birthday celebration you can ask them to bring out a cake for you and when they do this the lights go down and 'Happy Birthday' is played across the restaurant (which is quite hilarious and annoying the same time!) Well Ruth wasn't aware but we had planned for this to happen and her reaction was hilarious!

I had a Philly Steak Bake which was yummy and then I opted for a piece of Ruth's Caterpillar cake for pudding rather than ordering anything of the menu because I was stuffed! After finishing our meal and having a little chat we started our way home. After getting in the we all had an urge to cruise through town with the windows down and Rhianna's 'Only Girl in the World' full blast! It was hilarious! Carwen (who was driving) was laughing so hard that she had to stop in the middle of the road to control herself!

We were nearly out of Carmarthen when Ruth asked if we'd like to go visit her Nanna! And thankfully we said yes because she was a legend! Nicola,Ruth, Carwen and I were sitting in her lovely warm living room for about and hour and a half just listening to her stories such as the one when she drove round a round-a-bout the wrong way! Classic.

We eventually left Carmarthen at around 10pm after a very lovely time!

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